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  1. 324977 Tutorial_Python
  2. 134315 AprendaProgramar
  3. 109148 AprendendoComPygame
  4.  93262 BadContent
  5.  71512 UnificandoTiposClasses
  6.  68550 PygobjectSinaisPropriedades
  7.  64077 py3k/contents
  8.  62358 TudoSobrePythoneUnicode
  9.  50133 OportunidadesDeEmprego
  10.  41368 PythonParaWeb
  11.  38060 LinksPySourceforge
  12.  36423 IntroPython
  13.  33122 CalculadoraComercial
  14.  32709 PyGtkBarraFerramenta
  15.  31566 py3k/license
  16.  31506 CalculadoraQt
  17.  31267 ProgramacaoOrientadaObjetoPython
  18.  30484 IntroducaoOop
  19.  29635 AspectosFormaisDaLinguagemPython
  20.  28653 WhyWikiWorks
  21.  27645 IntroducaoJythonDidatica
  22.  27643 IntroducaoJythonRodrigo
  23.  27487 IntroducaoJython
  24.  27307 ModuloSched
  25.  27009 ComoFazerPerguntasInteligentes
  26.  26939 ResolvedorLabirintoGrafico
  27.  23995 TutorialStorm
  28.  23842 PythonInstantaneo
  29.  23334 py3k/glossary
  30.  21905 CarpintariaPython
  31.  21264 ComparacaoDeGUIs
  32.  21061 BotaoDeFecharEmAbasDeGtkNotebook
  33.  21047 FerramentasDeTeste
  34.  20993 HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie
  35.  20467 PerguntasFrequentes/SobrePython
  36.  20320 GuiaDeEstilo
  37.  19889 GameLoop
  38.  19655 ModulosPacotes
  39.  19349 PerguntasFrequentes/SobreProgramacao
  40.  18780 HelpOnMacros
  41.  18096 HelpOnAccessControlLists
  42.  18017 TemplatesGenericos
  43.  17737 GameDesign
  44.  17338 CookBook
  45.  16880 ExerciciosFuncoesSolucoes
  46.  16872 HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnLinux
  47.  16661 ReferenciasCruzadas
  48.  16342 HelpMiscellaneous/FrequentlyAskedQuestions
  49.  16306 LibGlade
  50.  16023 PythonDoc
  51.  16021 DocumentacaoPython
  52.  15927 CodigoBarras
  53.  15886 ContribuaEscrevendo
  54.  15620 EmpresasPython
  55.  15572 EstruturaDeRepeticao
  56.  15228 ExerciciosListas
  57.  15104 TestDrivenDevelopment
  58.  14933 ExercíciosComListas
  59.  14114 PyGameIntro
  60.  14091 TutorialPyQt
  61.  13820 MudarCorDeCelulaEmTreeview
  62.  13704 P3ListasResumoAula
  63.  13576 HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnLinuxFtp
  64.  13074 PythonEUnicodePorLucianoRamalho
  65.  13063 ResolvedorLabirinto
  66.  13013 HelpOnInstalling/InternetInformationServer
  67.  12925 HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnWin32
  68.  12796 WxGrid
  69.  12688 BenchmarkAdHoc
  70.  12577 HelpOnAuthentication
  71.  12479 GrupoDeUsuarios
  72.  12466 HelpOnLinking
  73.  12223 AntesDePerguntar
  74.  11898 CalculadoraTkGtkQt
  75.  11833 CaixaDeSugestoes
  76.  11707 py3k/modindex
  77.  11474 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer
  78.  11422 SoftwarePython
  79.  11334 IdesPython
  80.  11304 HelpOnConfiguration
  81.  11203 PrincipiosFuncionais
  82.  11118 PrologPython
  83.  11039 PyGtkComboBoxEntry
  84.  11037 PropostasFISL9
  85.  10918 PythonComADO
  86.  10918 PythonComAdo
  87.  10821 sage 50 technical phone support number sage customer service help desk
  88.  10795 ExecutandoEmIntervalos
  89.  10727 OfficeToPdf
  90.  10660 PythonNaoEJava
  91.  10657 LanguageSetup
  92.  10513 HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport
  93.  10501 AprendaMais
  94.  10326 DividirArquivosEmVariosCdOuDvd
  95.  10324 UsandoGenerators
  96.  10322 PapoAdvancedPython
  97.  10291 HelpOnInstalling/BasicInstallation
  98.  10277 TkShisenSho
  99.  10274 SaoPy
  100.  10192 HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnMacOsx
  101.  10165 EstruturaDeDecisao
  102.  10119 PythonFuncional
  103.   9873 Decoradores_Python_(Python_Decorators)
  104.   9725 GrupySP
  105.   9695 HelpOnInstalling/WikiInstanceCreation
  106.   9672 P3ClassesResumo
  107.   9627 AtividadesPyConBrasil2008
  108.   9551 PaginasPessoaisLivroDeVisitas
  109.   9524 PropostasFISL10
  110.   9513 ManipulandoStringsComPython
  111.   9499 HelpOnInstalling/ApacheWithModPython
  112.   9401 DeterminandoPrimos
  113.   9280 NoSelf
  114.   9277 CalculadoraWxPython
  115.   9250 Dicionario
  116.   9152 SignificadoDoSelf
  117.   8939 HelpOnInstalling/FastCgi
  118.   8895 ArquiteturaDeComponentes
  119.   8877 HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax
  120.   8835 StrongTypedMethods
  121.   8735 PrivaiMe
  122.   8715 FormatandoXml
  123.   8712 HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnWin32withFastCgi
  124.   8708 PythOnCampus
  125.   8697 AdivinhacaoTkinter
  126.   8685 ProgramadoresCaprendendoPython
  127.   8681 BancosDeDadosSql
  128.   8529 InterpretadorHq9
  129.   8372 TddFaq
  130.   8337 TraduçãoPygtkCatálogos
  131.   8236 InstaladorWindows
  132.   8232 PequenoUsoDeSockets
  133.   8132 HelpOnActions
  134.   8009 HelpOnSubscribing
  135.   7910 ExerciciosClasses
  136.   7847 MagicVelox
  137.   7839 MonitorandoSocketsComTkinter
  138.   7829 DefesaPython
  139.   7818 Yahoo customer service+(1.8oo.7o6.947o) Yahoo phone number
  140.   7785 TraduzindoSeuPrograma
  141.   7735 HelpOnMoinCommand
  142.   7676 GeradorDeCpf
  143.   7648 P3FuncoesResumo
  144.   7569 CrescendoComPython
  145.   7569 HelpOnParsers
  146.   7562 WeakList
  147.   7548 @(1-866-725-7490)@-: It is very popular toll free number which provide
  148.   7317 RenderizadorHtmlPyGtk
  149.   7285 ConvidadosInternacionais2009
  150.   7259 GameOfLifeConway
  151.   7258 BarraProgresso
  152.   7114 Bingo
  153.   7095 TiradorDeAcentos
  154.   7075 HelpOnInstalling/StandaloneServer
  155.   6949 HelpOnActions/AttachFile
  156.   6921 Python2HTML
  157.   6921 BásicoBoaConstructor
  158.   6905 OportunidadesDeEmprego/Profissionais
  159.   6896 HelpOnTables
  160.   6893 PythonToHtml
  161.   6885 MarcoAndreLopesMendes
  162.   6874 PyConBrasil2007
  163.   6819 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText
  164.   6714 HelpOnLanguages
  165.   6675 DicasSqlalchemy
  166.   6657 Clipper2Django
  167.   6644 CursoDeJogos
  168.   6559 HelpMiscellaneous
  169.   6525 ComunicacaoComPipes
  170.   6450 PyGtkMensagens
  171.   6426 InternacionalizePyGtk
  172.   6408 HelpOnInstalling/ApacheOnWin32withDomainAuthentication
  173.   6395 GerandoPasswords
  174.   6364 AlgoritmoBully
  175.   6307 HelpOnThemes
  176.   6297 TkinterShelve
  177.   6289 PythonNoBrasil
  178.   6281 HelpOnUpdating
  179.   6275 TreinamentosFISL9
  180.   6235 LinksPython
  181.   6215 SemaforosDeadlock
  182.   6212 ImpressioneSe
  183.   6121 WebwareRapidinho
  184.   6121 InicieSe
  185.   6104 RenderizadorHtml
  186.   5964 SorteadorDeElemento
  187.   5963 SystemPagesInEnglishGroup
  188.   5956 HelpOnXapian
  189.   5884 RankingLinguagens
  190.   5866 Csv2Ldif
  191.   5786 ProcessandoJpeg
  192.   5784 PythonBugDay/ComoSePreparar
  193.   5702 ComoUsarWiki
  194.   5679 ObjectSpace
  195.   5615 HelpOnInstalling/Win32MoinEasyBackup
  196.   5588 AgendaCGI
  197.   5586 CherryPyModWSGI
  198.   5505 PropostasFISL13
  199.   5444 py3k/about
  200.   5426 OportunidadesDeEmprego/Dicas
  201.   5369 ExerciciosFuncoes
  202.   5295 P3StringsResumoAula
  203.   5294 HelpOnConfiguration/IntegratingWithApache
  204.   5256 GameOfLife
  205.   5247 HospedagemPython
  206.   5197 SocketBasico
  207.   5173 PythonComEmacs
  208.   5125 InteragindoUsuarios
  209.   5118 Nancy Smith
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  211.   5111 HelpOnUserPreferences
  212.   5105 HelpOnInstalling/MinimalWiki
  213.   5055 GrupyPrRelReuniao03Maio2008
  214.   5041 ClientSocketServer
  215.   5036 MonitorandoSocketsComPyGtk
  216.   5035 WilsonFreitas
  217.   5032 NumeroParaPalavrasEspanhol
  218.   5022 web2py
  219.   5021 IntroduçãoPython
  220.   5001 RenameFiles
  221.   4998 HelpOnInstalling/TroubleShooting
  222.   4996 NoticiasPython
  223.   4974 PyGtkTreeView
  224.   4973 py3k/whatsnew-all
  225.   4963 HelpOnPackageInstaller
  226.   4924 ProcurarMp3eGerarPlaylist
  227.   4911 PythonNoLugarDeShellScript
  228.   4869 MigrandoParaPython3
  229.   4868 AutomatizarAtributosSlots
  230.   4863 FrozenClosureDecorator
  231.   4845 LinguagemSucuri
  232.   4835 OcultandoCodigoPython
  233.   4771 Tkinter3dCanvas
  234.   4767 HelpOnLists
  235.   4766 InstalandoPythonNoWindows
  236.   4760 InterpolatedValuesMapping
  237.   4751 EnviarEmail
  238.   4749 MapeandoErrosParaExcecoes
  239.   4735 HelpOnCreoleSyntax
  240.   4731 HelpOnProcessingInstructions
  241.   4715 QuickSort
  242.   4699 InstalacaoPythonQt4
  243.   4685 QtSignalEmPython
  244.   4670 ExerciciosComStrings
  245.   4625 HelpOnNotification
  246.   4589 HelpOnSynchronisation
  247.   4583 AjudaInterpretador
  248.   4545 VerificadorDeCpf
  249.   4529 HelpOnInstalling
  250.   4515 OutrosLivros
  251.   4512 PythOnRio
  252.   4446 TraduçãoPygtk
  253.   4444 VerificadorDeCnpj
  254.   4442 CalculadoraSimplesTk
  255.   4431 HelpOnNavigation
  256.   4364 OpenSpaces
  257.   4321 HelpOnConfiguration/ApacheVoodoo
  258.   4310 WebSqlObject
  259.   4307 HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump
  260.   4275 EstruturaSequencial
  261.   4215 IntroducaoPythonSimples
  262.   4204 ConversordeBases
  263.   4185 PropostasFISL12
  264.   4172 MaskEntry
  265.   4157 DistUtils
  266.   4144 RômuloCampelo
  267.   4120 UsandoVariaveisParte2
  268.   4115 HelpOnFormatting
  269.   4109 UsandoVariaveisParte1
  270.   4104 VerificadorDeCPF
  271.   4071 UsandoVariaveis
  272.   4068 HelpOnEditLocks
  273.   4065 ArvoreDeBuscaBinaria
  274.   4029 HelpOnInstalling/ApacheWithModWSGI
  275.   4019 BeautifulSoup
  276.   4003 ClassAttrTracking
  277.   3996 VariaveisExpressoes
  278.   3962 Jython/pzsuuppraxeuxpqpizzuxem
  279.   3936 RecarregarModulos
  280.   3932 HelpOnXmlPages
  281.   3931 GrupySP/PythonStorm
  282.   3882 CoresNoTerminal
  283.   3876 OutrasSecoes/CommonGotchas
  284.   3852 ComoUsarPyQt
  285.   3843 PyConBrasil
  286.   3836 ModoInterativo
  287.   3831 RadComLinux
  288.   3827 CriptografiaDidatica
  289.   3824 PythonUno
  290.   3804 TkinterNdCanvas
  291.   3791 HelpOnMacros/MailTo
  292.   3776 HelpOnInstalling/TwistedWeb
  293.   3750 HelpOnSearching
  294.   3733 TailRecursion
  295.   3703 garmin tech support number 1+8oo+457+9o37 garmin customer service number
  296.   3703 garmin gps tech support number 1+8oo+457+9o37 garmin gps customer service number
  297.   3700 GuiDB
  298.   3677 ListasDeDiscussao
  299.   3647 Explaining_Speedy_Methods_For_car
  300.   3645 EditorDeTabelasMySQL
  301.   3633 PythonBugDay/SugestoesDeIssues
  302.   3632 GruPySPYahoo
  303.   3629 CampusParty2009
  304.   3626 WikiTipOfTheDay
  305.   3601 HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject
  306.   3560 ImagemRasterTkinter
  307.   3555 FuncionamentoGarbageCollector
  308.   3538 TheZenOfPythonExplained
  309.   3520 GrupySP/Dojo
  310.   3517 MauricioSouzaLima
  311.   3464 ConstantesEnumeradas
  312.   3444 PythOnRpg
  313.   3439 ProgramacaoTv
  314.   3400 HelpOnAutoAdmin
  315.   3395 ImagensEmPygtk
  316.   3367 PostgreSQLePython
  317.   3359 Pickle
  318.   3341 PythonNaEducacao
  319.   3302 PythonUnicode
  320.   3278 EnviarEmailHtml
  321.   3274 PadroesDeCodificacaoEmPython
  322.   3241 ImportandoInicializando
  323.   3240 EmailSobreToolkitsGui
  324.   3237 VerificadorDeCpfCnpjSimples
  325.   3219 PythonLdap
  326.   3189 TwistedWeb
  327.   3166 PythonMagick
  328.   3160 LatinoWare
  329.   3153 FoxPro
  330.   3149 CaravanasPyConBrasil
  331.   3136 HelpOnUserHandling
  332.   3119 Cnpj
  333.   3106 HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection
  334.   3094 WebSMS
  335.   3094 WebSms
  336.   3091 PythonBrasil
  337.   3084 PythonBugDay
  338.   3067 UnixLinuxComandosWeb
  339.   3066 GazpachoWindows
  340.   3064 LivroDeVisitas
  341.   3054 PyInotify
  342.   3038 MoedaParaTextoPortugues
  343.   3036 ProgramasCompativeisV15
  344.   3017 DesenvolvimentoDeJogos
  345.   3014 HelpOnVariables
  346.   2985 MysqlEmWindows64
  347.   2975 GoogleSummerOfCode2008
  348.   2961 TabCompleta
  349.   2949 MoinMoin/InstallDocs
  350.   2945 ImagemTGA
  351.   2944 HelpOnMacros/Include
  352.   2942 EggsBrainstorm
  353.   2938 BoaConstructor
  354.   2927 registrardominio
  355.   2909 CopiaLocalIDES2012
  356.   2898 CalculadoraTkinter
  357.   2897 HelpOnGraphicalEditor
  358.   2883 LimitGet
  359.   2870 LocalSpellingWords
  360.   2864 HelpOnConfiguration/CascadingStyleSheets
  361.   2863 HelpOnEditing
  362.   2838 BitwiseOperators
  363.   2822 ComoInstalarGrok
  364.   2820 HelpOnSpellCheck
  365.   2819 BatteryMonitor
  366.   2802 ContaLetrasUnicode
  367.   2775 AlgoritmoGeneticoMutaString
  368.   2773 WebService
  369.   2769 DocTest
  370.   2759 OrdemDeExecucao
  371.   2738 AchaMaiorLinhaEmArquivo
  372.   2733 ParametrosNoShell
  373.   2731 LucianoRamalho
  374.   2727 ExtendendoCPython
  375.   2720 ConvidadosInternacionais2010
  376.   2714 HelpOnSessions
  377.   2707 PythonApresentacao
  378.   2683 QuintoForumInternacionalSoftwareLivre
  379.   2676 ListaDeExerciciosProjetos
  380.   2673 PythonNoGoogle
  381.   2664 FormatarNumeros
  382.   2661 ThinkingInPythonPetition
  383.   2660 HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences
  384.   2655 BateriasNaoInclusas
  385.   2643 HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar
  386.   2631 ConvergenciaDeGNA
  387.   2627 NoticiasAntigas
  388.   2622 ContaLetras
  389.   2622 IRCPythonBR
  390.   2612 NabucodonosorCoutinho
  391.   2558 DaemonizadorDeProgramas
  392.   2554 PythonBugWeekend
  393.   2534 SlideShowTemplate
  394.   2534 Yahoo phone number 1*800*7019*470 Yahoo Support Phone Number
  395.   2521 NumeroParaPalavrasPortugues
  396.   2499 AutorizacaoDeUsoDeImagem
  397.   2460 HelpOnTextChas
  398.   2459 Yahoo Toll Free Number 18007069470 yahoo toll free number
  399.   2451 GrupoDeUsuariosRN
  400.   2442 MiniCursosPythonBrasil2011
  401.   2431 NumerosRomanos
  402.   2423 DesktopEdition/HowToConfigure
  403.   2412 CairoPango
  404.   2406 HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage
  405.   2395 Binary
  406.   2390 ExerciciosArquivos
  407.   2382 MarceloLobo
  408.   2376 PedroWerneck
  409.   2376 FabianoWeimarDosSantos
  410.   2372 DesligarLinuxViaSockets
  411.   2359 RodrigoCacilhas
  412.   2338 PropostaDeLogo
  413.   2335 HelpOnComments
  414.   2333 LeonardoGregianin
  415.   2331 EnvolvaSe
  416.   2320 ParticionarSequencia
  417.   2318 UniversidadesComPython
  418.   2314 PyGtkWin
  419.   2276 HelpOnOpenIDProvider
  420.   2275 Sobre_o_Logo
  421.   2251 HelpOnInstalling/WebLogic
  422.   2251 DesktopEdition
  423.   2242 PythonParaProgramadoresPhp
  424.   2212 Sugestão_para_Tradução
  425.   2212 FormatarDatas
  426.   2210 PalestraEagora
  427.   2208 VoceAindaNaoContribuiu
  428.   2182 DiscussoesAleatorias
  429.   2177 EncontroPzpFisl
  430.   2177 InVesalius
  431.   2157 ChatXmlRpcTkinter
  432.   2155 BeginningPython
  433.   2144 HelpForBeginners
  434.   2143 RemovedorDeAcentos
  435.   2140 PylonsWebFramework
  436.   2123 HistoriaDoPython
  437.   2123 PythonBrasil/Tdc2010
  438.   2120 MoinMoin
  439.   2102 DaviVercillo
  440.   2102 TheZenOfPython
  441.   2102 HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy
  442.   2098 CaravanaFISL10
  443.   2097 PyGtkCellRenderCombo
  444.   2095 RefactoringWiki
  445.   2090 SomarNumerosDeUmArquivoEmUmaLinha
  446.   2071 BuscaTkinter
  447.   2061 FernandoAlbertoZambelan
  448.   2059 LendoXmlComLibxml2
  449.   2054 PythonComC
  450.   2051 CalculadoraSimples
  451.   2044 PedroDeMedeiros
  452.   2042 Cpf
  453.   2042 RemoverRepetidosLista
  454.   2042 SimulandoOperadorTernario
  455.   2039 PyGame
  456.   2037 HelpOnPageCreation
  457.   2035 py3k
  458.   2017 ThreadingXmlrpc
  459.   1993 AmbienteEric3
  460.   1973 PyCryptoChavePublica
  461.   1972 EnquetePython
  462.   1959 NossoLivro
  463.   1913 GrupyPr
  464.   1892 AdamVictorNazarethBrandizzi
  465.   1891 SystemPagesGroup
  466.   1890 MarceloAndrade
  467.   1888 Studying_Mold_Treatment._Tampa_Illustrations
  468.   1888 ProjetoTraducaoPythonLibraryReference
  469.   1887 SobreTurbogears
  470.   1886 FelipeAlmeidaLessa
  471.   1877 WxGridTesteDict
  472.   1869 HelpOnPatchCreation
  473.   1866 HelpOnEditing/SubPages
  474.   1863 P3ListasGuiaRapido
  475.   1848 VideoIntroducingPython
  476.   1843 HoneyPython
  477.   1842 PyWin32Com
  478.   1828 TicTacToe
  479.   1823 CasosDeSucesso
  480.   1814 WikiCourse/07 The text editor
  481.   1809 CairoPygame
  482.   1797 WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links
  483.   1790 ReceitaMonkeyPatch
  484.   1777 OsvaldoSantanaNeto
  485.   1776 ODSheetReader
  486.   1775 AcessoListaDiscussao
  487.   1774 CacheDeFuncoes
  488.   1770 IRCRegistreSeuNick
  489.   1770 Python-3.0
  490.   1744 ThreadingBasico
  491.   1732 HelpOnLinking/NotesLinks
  492.   1731 StealthDecorator
  493.   1731 CodingDojoGonowSet2011
  494.   1730 InterpretadorBrainFuck
  495.   1726 FormatarNumerosBrasil
  496.   1705 IntroducaoaProgramacaocomPython
  497.   1701 HelpOnHeadlines
  498.   1700 PreferênciasDoUsuário
  499.   1698 DateDiff
  500.   1692 GrupyBA
  501.   1689 DojoGrupySP
  502.   1689 HelpOnCategories
  503.   1648 VerificadorDeCnpjParaZope
  504.   1636 PythonBugDay/IssuesTrabalhados
  505.   1626 InscrevaSe
  506.   1605 GameProgrammingWithPython
  507.   1589 MenusTkinter
  508.   1580 OutrasSecoes
  509.   1574 BuscaPyBrasil
  510.   1569 CreateZipFile
  511.   1553 HelpOnSlideShows
  512.   1551 HelpOnSpam
  513.   1549 GrupyDF
  514.   1544 MergulhandoNoPython
  515.   1531 ProgramacaoFuncional
  516.   1528 HelpForDevelopers
  517.   1525 Conisli2005
  518.   1523 WikiCourse/01 What is a MoinMoin wiki?
  519.   1509 ProjetosPythonBrasil
  520.   1506 PassarByteOrderMarker
  521.   1499 HelpOnAdmonitions
  522.   1495 bitcoin mining customer service number 1+855+558+7111 bitcoin mining tech support number
  523.   1495 bitcoin mining customer service 1+855+558+7111 bitcoin mining call center
  524.   1493 HelpOnUpdatingPython
  525.   1491 PassarByteOrderMarker(BOM)
  526.   1488 RPy
  527.   1478 CategorizarNadador
  528.   1476 HelpContents
  529.   1450 EasyGui
  530.   1448 KelleZm
  531.   1440 InteligenciaArtificial
  532.   1438 WikiCourse/15 Tables
  533.   1437 MarlonFerrari
  534.   1434 PyGtk
  535.   1428 EduardoDeOliveiraPadoan
  536.   1428 HelpOnSkins
  537.   1424 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/100_Text_markup
  538.   1416 Hadoop
  539.   1409 HelpOnLogin
  540.   1400 HelpOnPageDeletion
  541.   1397 TatiAlChueyr
  542.   1378 PythonEDjango
  543.   1371 FrontPage
  544.   1367 AlbertoFabiano
  545.   1366 TransferirArquivosViaSockets
  546.   1361 Alberto_Fabiano
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  549.   1359 ProcuraSeAutor
  550.   1356 erichideki
  551.   1352 HelpOnAdministration
  552.   1351 HelpOnTemplates
  553.   1346 OrganizaçãoFISL12
  554.   1336 NewsReader
  555.   1336 EzerFernandes
  556.   1333 WikiCourse
  557.   1329 AdemirMazerJr
  558.   1328 PensandoEmTkinter
  559.   1328 CodificacaoDosWindows
  560.   1326 SergioMendonca
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  568.   1283 HelpOnDictionaries
  569.   1282 GrupyPrPautaReuniaoPucMaio2008
  570.   1265 LeandroHamid
  571.   1261 WikiCourse/BasicIntroductionHandOut
  572.   1260 Leandro_Hamid
  573.   1260 InscritosGrupySP052008
  574.   1253 HelpOnMacros/ImageLink
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  576.   1230 TutorialVirtualenv
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  578.   1227 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/000_What_is_a_Wiki?
  579.   1226 Py2ExeCom
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  581.   1205 MergeSort
  582.   1199 HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments
  583.   1197 BoaConstructorCVS
  584.   1180 PythonEssencialReference
  585.   1172 JoaoPauloSilva
  586.   1169 LuizHonda
  587.   1164 LivrosPython
  588.   1161 FortuneCookies
  589.   1158 DanielVaz
  590.   1153 DaviLima
  591.   1142 Py2ExeSimples
  592.   1137 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/110_Headlines_and_Paragraphs
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  599.   1088 GeradorDeCnpj
  600.   1088 AlexandreNalon
  601.   1085 CotacaoDolar
  602.   1080 ConexaoOracle
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  608.   1047 ListaDeExercicios
  609.   1046 HelderVieira
  610.   1044 ImprimindoWindows
  611.   1038 HelpOnSuperUser
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  613.   1035 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/091_Tips_on_the_Editor
  614.   1033 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/191_Creating_new_Pages
  615.   1031 HelpForUsers
  616.   1018 DanielSchmitz
  617.   1017 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/090_The_Editor
  618.   1015 PythonAcademico
  619.   1010 SiteNavigation
  620.   1005 FabioRizzo
  621.   1002 ArquivoDeConfiguracaoComConfigParser
  622.   1001 WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup
  623.   1000 WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date
  624.    994 Bookmarks
  625.    992 JuracyFilho
  626.    988 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/050_First_Steps
  627.    988 RicardoIchizo
  628.    985 WikiCourse/18 Attachments
  629.    972 IncludeModulo
  630.    967 RobertoAllende
  631.    964 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/060_How_do_I_navigate?
  632.    963 RenataPalazzo
  633.    961 ChecarConexaoComInternet
  634.    958 ProfessionalLinuxProgramando
  635.    954 SystemPagesSetup
  636.    952 DirFileList
  637.    952 WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage
  638.    947 WikiWikiWeb
  639.    939 WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor
  640.    929 CursoDeJogos/Ementa
  641.    927 MonitoresPython
  642.    918 Yahoo tech support+(1.8oo.7o6.947o) Yahoo customer service number
  643.    918 HelpOnSlideShows/100_Creating_the_slides
  644.    918 contact Yahoo+(1.8oo.7o6.947o) Yahoo support
  645.    909 WikiCourse/17 External links
  646.    906 HelpOnSlideShows/900_Last_but_not_least:_Running_your_presentation.
  647.    905 Py2ExeI18N
  648.    899 HelpMiscellaneous/ExperimentalFeatures
  649.    898 WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages
  650.    889 NossoLivroDiscussao
  651.    884 PalestrasRelampagoFISL9
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  653.    880 HugoCorbucci
  654.    875 TutorialPython
  655.    875 HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides
  656.    875 ZopeKitDeConstrucaoDeAplicacoesWeb
  657.    871 FelipeLessa
  658.    871 GrupySP/PalestrasRelampagoOutubro2011
  659.    871 ComunidadeNoFISL12
  660.    863 HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation
  661.    859 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/180_Macros
  662.    858 HelpOnRules
  663.    852 WikiCourse/05 User preferences
  664.    850 SidneidaSilva
  665.    848 RafaelGoncalves
  666.    844 MarcelCaraciolo
  667.    844 ManutencaoWiki
  668.    842 JulioSantosMonteiro
  669.    842 WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs
  670.    842 GrokSprint
  671.    838 FloatFormat
  672.    838 ReceitaBarraDeProgresso
  673.    836 ContarOcorrenciasEmLista
  674.    833 AndreFarina
  675.    827 GustavoBarbieri
  676.    825 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction
  677.    823 MarceloBarros
  678.    815 MiguelFilho
  679.    808 WiliamAlvesDeSouza
  680.    807 HelpOnSlideShows/000_Introduction
  681.    807 MarceloLimanski
  682.    806 CacheDeMetodos
  683.    803 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/195_Actions
  684.    802 InterpretadorCompiladorPython
  685.    802 ProjetosDeTraducao
  686.    798 JoaoBueno
  687.    796 WikiCourse/51 Applications
  688.    793 ChamarFuncaoEmDlls
  689.    792 MissingPage
  690.    792 PáginaInexistente
  691.    790 Nataniel
  692.    788 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/210_Organisation_and_Structure
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  694.    782 FindPage
  695.    778 FranciscoSouza
  696.    777 SandBox
  697.    775 MarcusMendes
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  700.    767 Py2Exe
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  703.    763 ExpressoesRegulares
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  705.    758 WancharleQuirino
  706.    758 WikiCourse/13 Lists
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  708.    757 NovoVisual
  709.    753 Fernando Soares de Carvalho
  710.    751 DiogoMendonca
  711.    748 PyGlet
  712.    744 DanilloSouza
  713.    744 CanaisIRC
  714.    744 RodrigoHübner
  715.    740 GuidoVanRossum
  716.    738 JeanMartinsRito
  717.    736 PythonGuiaDeReferencia
  718.    736 PyQt
  719.    733 Gustavo de Carvalho Sales
  720.    726 Utilidades
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  724.    714 PedroKayatt
  725.    710 WikiSandBox
  726.    707 HelpForAdministrators
  727.    704 ConversaoDeImagens
  728.    702 ProjectGroupsTemplate
  729.    702 PyGama
  730.    699 OutrosGruposUsuarios
  731.    696 Txt2Tags
  732.    695 SergioBerlotto
  733.    692 JoseJunior
  734.    692 GrupySanca
  735.    679 ZopeWebApplicattionDevelopmentAndContentManagement
  736.    677 CamisetasPython
  737.    672 ValessioSoaresBrito
  738.    672 WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/900_Exercises
  739.    671 ConexaoPostgreSQL
  740.    666 JonhEdson
  741.    665 AllanGarcia
  742.    659 WikiName
  743.    658 ProjectTemplate
  744.    656 GustavoScalet
  745.    656 AlexandreKlostermann
  746.    654 py3k/copyright
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  748.    650 LucasKlassmann
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  751.    648 CarlosMoraisDosSantos
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  757.    630 Qt4
  758.    621 IanLawrence
  759.    620 MudançasRecentes
  760.    618 XsltVersion
  761.    615 GruPySPFevereiro2009
  762.    613 IzaiasLima
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  766.    604 AdrianoMelo
  767.    600 CategoryCategory
  768.    598 PyWin32
  769.    596 WagnerRocha
  770.    596 LuizIrber
  771.    596 LivrosOnLine
  772.    594 JulianoNaves
  773.    587 GrupySP/PesquisaPythonBrasil6
  774.    586 QuinePy
  775.    586 NiloMenezes
  776.    581 JonatasOliveira
  777.    579 MarceloMikyMine
  778.    576 AlexandreGirao
  779.    570 PlanetPythonBrasil
  780.    569 ImagemTkinter
  781.    569 SenhasAleatorias
  782.    568 RecentChanges
  783.    561 RodrigoCavalcante
  784.    556 FrmtBytes
  785.    554 HowTos
  786.    553 LincolnSousa
  787.    552 IrcDoido
  788.    550 EditorSpe
  789.    550 ProgrammingPython
  790.    548 GabrielReis
  791.    548 LinguagemIdeal
  792.    538 Zope
  793.    535 MarcioAndreyOliveira
  794.    533 Grok
  795.    532 IsaacMarinho
  796.    532 RamayanaMenezes
  797.    530 GrupyPrListaPresencaSprint03Maio
  798.    529 PythonCursoCompleto
  799.    527 HenryHeberle
  800.    526 LuisHenrique
  801.    524 HenriqueBaggio
  802.    520 PythonPocketReference
  803.    519 PyLize
  804.    514 LearningPython
  805.    510 LuizVital
  806.    505 HelpOnSmileys
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  808.    502 WalterCruz
  809.    495 MayronCachina
  810.    484 Aplicativos Python para Linux
  811.    480 GrupySP/Caravana2009
  812.    476 SidneiBrianti
  813.    474 WikiCourse/23 Actions
  814.    473 PauloNeves
  815.    470 ConvidadosInternacionais2008
  816.    469 RodrigoNishino
  817.    467 RenatoMachado
  818.    466 FelipeCruz
  819.    463 CesarGimenes
  820.    460 PyPy
  821.    460 ProgramacaoParaCriancas
  822.    459 LuisAntonio
  823.    459 ricardoborghetti
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  826.    456 Leonado Fontolan
  827.    450 DornelesTremea
  828.    449 cassiobotaro
  829.    445 Python4Suite
  830.    443 ChristianoAnderson
  831.    441 EduardoAraujo
  832.    437 HelpOnProcessors
  833.    436 SoftwareTemplate
  834.    436 JuniorRamos
  835.    429 AndrewsMedina
  836.    426 OpenOffice
  837.    426 PauloRodrigues
  838.    423 Logging
  839.    423 Turicas
  840.    422 ModosDeExecucao
  841.    421 TrishaZBXW
  842.    418 AutoAdminGroup
  843.    416 NycholasOliveiraOliveira
  844.    415 SergioBruder
  845.    415 NielsonSantana
  846.    413 LuizAugustoVolpiNascimento
  847.    412 DjangoSprint
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  849.    411 PauloHenriqueRodriguesPinheiro
  850.    410 ÍndiceDeTítulos
  851.    407 RenatoMichnikDeCarvalho
  852.    407 PropostaSaoPaulo2010
  853.    402 EditedSystemPages
  854.    397 ReceitaTemplate
  855.    396 PerguntasFrequentes
  856.    395 ExtremeProgramming
  857.    393 FelipeFerreriTonello
  858.    393 MoinMoin/TextFormatting
  859.    392 AlbinoNeto
  860.    392 JoaoFelipeSantos
  861.    391 HelpIndex
  862.    391 RicardoSalveti
  863.    388 GrupoDeUsuariosBA
  864.    387 CxFreeze
  865.    386 RodrigoCurvêllo
  866.    385 RenatoPereira
  867.    382 Murilo_de_Souza_Lopes
  868.    382 TitleIndex
  869.    382 Samuel_Dias_Neto
  870.    380 Compile2Exe
  871.    379 TorresAutomação
  872.    379 ConvidadosInternacionais
  873.    378 HenriqueSebastiao
  874.    371 CategoryTemplate
  875.    371 CandidoVieira
  876.    370 EduardoDutka
  877.    370 Gabriel Lucena
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  880.    367 RamiroLuz
  881.    366 Rodrigo_Reis
  882.    363 LivroPythonTemplate
  883.    363 PIL:_Python_Imaging_Library
  884.    360 WikiHomePage
  885.    356 DiegoPereira
  886.    356 HenriqueMayer
  887.    353 WikiMaster
  888.    351 PropostaCuritiba2010
  889.    349 SyntaxReference
  890.    348 GrupyPrListaPresencaProximoEncontro
  891.    347 LeonardoAndrade
  892.    346 LuizArmesto
  893.    342 ChristianReis
  894.    337 Thiago Jack
  895.    336 IronPython
  896.    334 AislanJefferson
  897.    334 AdrianoPistore
  898.    334 andrik
  899.    331 CategoryHomepage
  900.    325 PyGtk-Brasil
  901.    323 WordIndex
  902.    319 JoaoOlavo
  903.    318 StripHtml
  904.    317 Plone
  905.    317 Heraldo Luciano
  906.    311 DiemeslenoSouzaCarvalho
  907.    310 AdminGroup
  908.    309 PyConBrasil2009
  909.    309 LeandroSeverino
  910.    308 GrupoDeUsuariosBAMembros
  911.    308 IvanildoFilho
  912.    306 PermissionDeniedPage
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  920.    288 BrunoGola
  921.    288 RonaldoAmaral
  922.    287 Enilson Júnior
  923.    287 ThiagoSeixas
  924.    287 HomepageTemplate
  925.    287 Kitto Sbrial
  926.    287 Ronaldo Alves de Souza
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  932.    280 ClaudioNovaes
  933.    278 lhzefe
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  935.    273 HelpOnAcl
  936.    273 AlexFurtunato
  937.    272 FlavioRibeiro
  938.    271 Alcione
  939.    270 EduardoOliva
  940.    266 EventStats/Languages
  941.    257 CamelCase
  942.    254 ViniciusNascimento
  943.    253 TitelIndex
  944.    253 ByteOfPython
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  946.    250 JoaoPauloFarias
  947.    250 RodrigoSenra
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  949.    247 AjudaNaEdição
  950.    244 RodrigoCesarHerefeld
  951.    244 LeonardoSantagada
  952.    242 TelaCadastro
  953.    241 PabloCavalcanti
  954.    240 PauloHenriqueJunqueiraAmorim
  955.    240 DanielCassiano
  956.    240 TiagoPaulino
  957.    238 Marinho_Brandão
  958.    238 Marcel de Jesus Silva
  959.    236 MarcosSilva
  960.    236 FranciscoConrado
  961.    236 FelipeSalvini
  962.    235 BoletoPdf
  963.    234 GuilhermeChapiewski
  964.    232 RodolphoEckhardt
  965.    232 SystemAdmin
  966.    231 avelino
  967.    231 ViniciusFigueiredo
  968.    228 FabioCorrea
  969.    226 GuilhermeRezende
  970.    225 MauroCavalcanti
  971.    224 WortIndex
  972.    224 LarissaTriers
  973.    223 AlexandreHarano
  974.    222 RicardoBanffy
  975.    219 DavidKwast
  976.    217 Larissa_Triers_Jasse
  977.    217 RodrigoBraga
  978.    213 FernandoNeto
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  980.    207 AdrianCristian
  981.    205 QPearl
  982.    204 WantedPages
  983.    203 DaniloCesar
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  986.    198 LucasDeters
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  988.    192 carlos_andre
  989.    192 AlyssonBruno
  990.    191 MarceloAraujo
  991.    190 RobertoRitter
  992.    188 GesuchteSeiten
  993.    188 TiagoFalcao
  994.    186 SlideTemplate
  995.    181 HelpTemplate
  996.    181 PaulEipper
  997.    181 WillianSilva
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  999.    179 AfifFikani
  1000.    178 AnselmoPeretto
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  1003.    176 RicardoPascal
  1004.    176 EliezerRiani
  1005.    175 AbandonedPages
  1006.    175 PáginasAbandonadas
  1007.    174 MarkLutz
  1008.    174 RodrigoAmaral
  1009.    172 DouglasDrumond
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  1011.    170 EventStats
  1012.    169 AlexandreCavedon
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  1014.    168 DiegoPinheiro
  1015.    168 MarioMania
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  1018.    167 JoaoBuenoCalligaris
  1019.    166 JeanRodrigoFerri
  1020.    166 FlavioAmieiro
  1021.    165 TiagoMelo
  1022.    165 ThiagoCoutinho
  1023.    164 AlexandreProvencio
  1024.    163 AlexCarneiro
  1025.    162 WashingtonCoutinhoCorrêaJr
  1026.    162 AttributeError
  1027.    162 Andrews_Medina
  1028.    162 JoaoChavesJr
  1029.    161 KaoFelix
  1030.    161 PythonLanguage
  1031.    160 EltonLuisMinetto
  1032.    159 DanielSantos
  1033.    159 krawdyah
  1034.    158 DiegoUcha
  1035.    157 EnqueteParaVotacaoDoLogotipo
  1036.    157 CaioTiago
  1037.    156 GutoMaia
  1038.    156 Carlos_Rabelo
  1039.    155 VanessaSabino
  1040.    153 airtonarantes
  1041.    153 Daniel_Neves
  1042.    151 ProfessoresPythonGroup
  1043.    150 YuriSchlesner
  1044.    148
  1045.    148 ThiagoZanetti
  1046.    147 Vinícius_Rodrigues_Martin
  1047.    146 MarcioFerreira
  1048.    146 HenriquePereira
  1049.    146 RicardoDuarte
  1050.    146 HugoMelo
  1051.    144 Lucas_Sandes
  1052.    144 ViniciusPerallis
  1053.    143 JacsonTiola
  1054.    143 GuilhermeManika
  1055.    142 ItaloRossi
  1056.    141 BogdanoArendartchuk
  1057.    140 RafaelJorge
  1058.    140 LocalBadContent
  1059.    138 GuilhermeMarques
  1060.    137 python-mg
  1061.    137 MauricioVieira
  1062.    136 JanPalach
  1063.    132 RodrigoMoraes
  1064.    131 AdrianoMonteiro
  1065.    129 LucasDavila
  1066.    127 MarinhoBrandão
  1067.    125 ThulioCosta
  1068.    124 YguaratãCavalcanti
  1069.    120 GrazienoPellegrino
  1070.    120 EduardoRotta
  1071.    119 RuivaldoNeto
  1072.    118 HumbertoDiogenes
  1073.    117 Felippe Bastos Netto
  1074.    115 JeisonBatista
  1075.    114 DirceuPereiraTiegs
  1076.    113 GuilhermeFerreira
  1077.    113 PythonCom
  1078.    111 TesteIRC
  1079.    110 PaginasPerdidas
  1080.    110 LeoRochael
  1081.    109 Raphael Ribeiro
  1082.    109 Jayro Santos
  1083.    109 GlauberReis
  1084.    109 ChristianRibeiro
  1085.    108 PerguntasComunsSobrePython
  1086.    106 HomepageReadWritePageTemplate
  1087.    104 Dutche
  1088.    104 HomepagePrivatePageTemplate
  1089.    103 ThreePointsWeb
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  1092.    100 FernandoZank
  1093.     99 JoseHenriqueReis
  1094.     99 NandoVieira
  1095.     97 ViniciusPrado
  1096.     97 Organizacao_de_Semana_Academica
  1097.     96 RafaelAlmeida
  1098.     96 WalterBrum
  1099.     94 MiniCalculadora
  1100.     94 AntonioPrado
  1101.     93 LucasSilva
  1102.     89 SemanaInformaticaIST
  1103.     88 FabianoWeimardosSantos
  1104.     84 GianSalvati
  1105.     84 PageSize
  1106.     84 LuizFernandoPinto
  1107.     82 JonathanBruno
  1108.     81 AjudaParaEscrita
  1109.     80 AurelioMarinhoJargas
  1110.     75 GabrielVerta
  1111.     75 FlavioCodecoCoelho
  1112.     75 RandomPage
  1113.     74 GustavoNiemeyer
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  1115.     69 LuizCarlosGeron
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  1117.     69 SabrinaLeandro
  1118.     68 JoseRamalhoJunior
  1119.     67 AndreRicardo
  1120.     66 Mais
  1121.     62 IgorSobreira
  1122.     60 LuizFernadno
  1123.     59 ListaDeExercícios
  1124.     58 RogerioSilva
  1125.     57 MarcioRibeiro
  1126.     55 AlanRunyan
  1127.     55 ElvisPfutzenreuter
  1128.     54 thiagohenrique
  1129.     53 MyClass
  1130.     50 MoinPagesEditorGroup
  1131.     50 AlexanderLimi
  1132.     47 PythonBugDay/IssuesTrabalhadas
  1133.     43 MarcosRenan
  1134.     42 PerguntasInteligentes
  1135.     40 GrupyAL
  1136.     40 ComoFazerPerguntasInteligentes.
  1137.     39 SystemInfo
  1138.     39 PabloGrigoletti
  1139.     37 VariavelGlobalpyGtk
  1140.     36 EduardoBastos
  1141.     34 JaksonRochelly
  1142.     33 StructuredText
  1143.     32 Marcelo_Pereira
  1144.     31 HelberGuerra
  1145.     30 PierreSantana
  1146.     28 EventStats/UserAgents
  1147.     28 caio_cassio
  1148.     28 BancoDeDadosSql
  1149.     27 LuizCampos
  1150.     27 EventStats/HitCounts
  1151.     26 PythonNãoÉJava
  1152.     25 LuizRath
  1153.     21 PythOnRPG
  1154.     21 PyRPG
  1155.     20 GrupyPR
  1156.     19 ThiagoAvelino
  1157.     19 GruPySP
  1158.     17 InterWikiMap
  1159.     16 Koazure
  1160.      3 recomendacoes-de-pluggables-para-django
  1161.      3 RenatoAlbano