py3k / about

Python v3.1.1





Sobre estes documentos

Estes documentos foram gerados a partir de fontes em reStructuredText pelo Sphinx, um processador de documentos especificamentes escrito para documentação Python.

O desenvolvimento da documentação e suas ferramentas takes place on the mailing list. We’re always looking for volunteers wanting to help with the docs, so feel free to send a mail there!

Many thanks go to:

See Reporting Bugs in Python for information how to report bugs in this documentation, or Python itself.

Contributors to the Python Documentation

This section lists people who have contributed in some way to the Python documentation. It is probably not complete – if you feel that you or anyone else should be on this list, please let us know (send email to ), and we’ll be glad to correct the problem.

It is only with the input and contributions of the Python community that Python has such wonderful documentation – Thank You!

py3k/about (editada pela última vez em 2010-01-27 00:36:32 por andrik)