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Busca Completa de Texto: "linkto:"SystemPagesSetup""

Resultados 1 - 4 de 4 resultado(s), num total de aproximadamente 6884 páginas. (1.40 segundos)

HelpOnInstalling/MinimalWiki . . . 2 acertos
...InEnglishGroup === Languages === The languages are now attachments of the page SystemPagesSetup. Each language is packed as a ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file you find only numbers...

4.9k - rev: 1 (atual) última modificação: 0

SystemPagesInEnglishGroup . . . 1 acerto
...SpellingWords * SystemPagesGroup - /!\ do not move this to first list level! * SystemPagesSetup * SystemAdmin * ProjectTemplate * ProjectGroupsTemplate This is a list of all...

5.6k - rev: 1 (atual) última modificação: 0

HelpOnSuperUser . . . 1 acerto
...temAdmin page * Make full backups * Install software * Install Languages via SystemPagesSetup . * In their settings screen, they have a list of other users they can temporar...

1.0k - rev: 1 (atual) última modificação: 0

HelpOnLanguages . . . 1 acerto
...the language used for translated pages and phrases within your wiki. First go to SystemPagesSetup and unpack the system and help page packages for any language you want to support...

6.5k - rev: 1 (atual) última modificação: 0