Implementação do [['s_Game_of_Life|Conway's Game of Life]] em Python, que eu chamei de PyOrganism. Adaptado e melhorado da versão em C++ escrita por Mithun Aiyswaryan. {{{#!python #!/usr/bin/python import platform import random import math import time import sys import os clear = ('clear','cls')[platform.system() == 'Windows'] class Life: def __init__(self): self._life = [] self._flag = 1 self._seed = 0 self._number_of_generations = 0 self._game_world = 0 self._screen_length = 40 self._delay_seconds = -1 def initialize(self): random.seed(self._seed) self.init_world() for i in range(self._number_of_generations): os.system(clear) self.print_world() self.evolve() time.sleep(self._delay_seconds) def exit(self): self.draw_line('=') raw_input("Press to exit...\n") sys.exit(0) def header(self): self.draw_line('=') print "PyOrganysm - Python Implementation of Conway's Game of Life" print "Writen by Danillo Souza " self.draw_line('=') print ">>> Rules Of The Game" self.draw_line('~') print "1. An organism is born in an Empty-Cell when it has exactly 3 neighbors" print "2. An organism dies from starvation if it has fewer than 2 neighbors" print "3. An organism dies of overcrowding if it has more than 3 neighbors" print "4. Otherwise, the organism survives!" self.draw_line('~') def setup(self): while self._seed == 0: self._seed = int(raw_input("Enter a number to initiate the world: ")) while self._number_of_generations == 0: self._number_of_generations = int(raw_input("Enter the number of generations: ")) while self._game_world == 0: self._game_world = int(raw_input("Enter the size of the array: ")) self._game_world = (30, self._game_world)[self._game_world >= 4] while self._delay_seconds < 0: self._delay_seconds = int(raw_input("Enter the delay time(in seconds): ")) self._seed = int(math.fabs(self._seed)) self._number_of_generations = int(math.fabs(self._number_of_generations)) self._game_world = int(math.fabs(self._game_world)) self._delay_seconds = int(math.fabs(self._delay_seconds)) self._life = [['' for i in range(self._game_world)] for i in range(self._game_world)] def draw_line(self, char): for i in range(self._screen_length): print char, print def init_world(self): for y in range(self._game_world): for x in range(self._game_world): z = random.randint(1, 10) if z < 5: self._life[y][x] = ' ' else: self._life[y][x] = '#' def evolve(self): double_array = [['' for i in range(self._game_world)] for i in range(self._game_world)] for i in range(self._game_world): for j in range(self._game_world): x = self.count_neighbors(i, j) if self._life[i][j] == '#': if (x == 2) or (x == 3): double_array[i][j] = '#' else: double_array[i][j] = ' ' else: if x == 3: double_array[i][j] = '#' else: double_array[i][j] = ' ' self._life = double_array def print_world(self): for x in range(self._game_world): tmp = '' for y in range(self._game_world): tmp += self._life[x][y] + ' ' print tmp tmp = '' def count_neighbors(self, y, x): sum = 0 if (x - 1) >= 0: for i in range(y-1, y+2): if (i >= 0) and (i < self._game_world): if self._life[i][x-1] == '#': sum += 1 if (x + 1) < self._game_world: for i in range(y-1, y+2): if (i >= 0) and (i < self._game_world): if self._life[i][x+1] == '#': sum += 1 if (y - 1) >= 0: if self._life[y-1][x] == '#': sum += 1 if (y + 1) < self._game_world: if self._life[y+1][x] == '#': sum += 1 return sum def go(self): self.header() self.setup() self.initialize() self.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': life = Life() life.go() }}}